What is IJP, an Individualized Jewish Path?

Life is a journey and each of us is on our own unique path. As we travel through our different phases of life, we are constantly seeking meaning, to connect with others, and to deepen our own sense of purpose.

At B’nai Jehudah, there are many ways to pursue one’s own Jewish journey. It can be by participating in some of our many ongoing programs in which others have found meaning. These could be working in our Mitzvah Garden or serving food to our neighbors with our Mitzvah Meals. Perhaps one is passionate for learning. Our (re)Introduction to Judaism or weekly Bible study could be the means by which this path is traveled. Many might yearn for social connections. Our many senior programs and early-childhood programs are two ends of the life experience spectrum…and both are ways in which congregants find purpose, meaning, and connections.

Other group experiences that help folks discover the paths and pursue them include Havurot (small group cohorts of like-minded individuals/families, who gather monthly for shared experiences) and family learning surrounding life-cycle events, such as the beginning of Kindergarten, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, High School graduation.

In addition, our congregation invites members to explore individually where they see themselves in their Jewish life. Through a process of sharing conversations with one of our clergy, members create their own “IJP” (Individualized Jewish Path) for their own Jewish growth or development. IJP allows families and individuals to recognize and connect to what is holy/important in their lives. Whatever the path congregants identify, B’nai Jehudah helps them take that journey. In so doing, we believe it will allow the individual, our community, and the world to become better. We invite all who wish to take this journey to contact any of our clergy to begin a conversation.

For more information or to begin your IJP, contact Rabbi Josh Leighton.

Get in touch

For more information or to begin your IJP contact Rabbi Josh Leighton.