Sisterhood Donations

Sisterhood Donations

Sisterhood greatly appreciates your support and assistance. We strive to put your contributions to good use, and always welcome your questions and ideas on how best to do this.

There are several options for your contributions to Sisterhood:

  • Tribute Fund: Provides funds to support our Congregation, its youth and the community.
  • Charlene Gelb Memorial Oneg Shabbat Endowment Fund: Bisseleh Nosh and Special Occasions
  • Helen S. Green Memorial Pulpit Flower Fund: Seasonal flowers and landscaping for the building exterior and bimah flowers.
  • Ruth Karol Leadership Training Fund: Leadership, educational conferences

Your donation can be made to honor a person or event, or in memory of a loved one. Those listed on the form under “Name/Address to be Notified” will be informed of your donation.

There are two ways to make your B’nai Jehudah Sisterhood donation:

1. Make payment using the PayPal option below; you will be prompted on your fund selection, OR

2. Make check payable to B’nai Jehudah Sisterhood and mail your check with this form to 12320 Nall Overland Park, KS 66209. Please include the form and specify your fund selection.

Sisterhood Donation Funds
Is this Donation in Honor or Memory of someone?
Persons Honored or Remembered?
Name/Address to be Notified?

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