Bar / Bat Mitzvah

“B’nei mitzvah” literally means a “child of God’s commandments,” and it symbolizes the transformation from child to adult in the eyes of our faith, a spiritually meaningful milestone for the young adult and their family.

It is a simcha, a proud moment for our community when a young person embraces Torah as their own and becomes a bar or bat mitzvah at B’nei Jehduah. 
At age 13, a b’nei mitzvah is not yet a legal adult. But in Jewish life, they are also no longer considered a child. This life cycle event marks a transition of responsibility. B’nei mitzvah students are old enough to start thinking about ideas and concepts on a higher level and to ask questions about their Jewish identity. It is a beautiful time for them to grow and learn, under the guidance of our Tefillah team. 
When a b’nei mitzvah leads us in prayer, recites the blessings over the Torah, and teaches the community, they are affirming that they are ready for the responsibility of all that is being passed to them – our traditions, rituals, teachings, and culture – and that they will uphold and, in turn, pass it to the next generation.

Questions about the b’nei mitzvah process? Please contact Vickie Kennedy at or 904-273-9100